Friday, August 8, 2008

Mzuzu University Appraises Kamkwamba's wind Turbine

The system you see is what William Kamkwamba developed after he dropped out of school due to lack of School fees.

Despite being a school dropout, he managed to turn science theories into practical and provide electricity for his home in Kasungu-Wimbe.

With a wooden tower, a bicycle dynamo (now replaced by a 48V DC grenerator) and a tractor fan to which he attached wooden blades, he is able to watch TV, play DVDs, listen to radio, and provide electric light to his home.

The boy is also currently developing another turbine for water pumping and the system is just awaiting commissioning.

Mzuzu University, in particular the department of energy studies team comprising of
Collen Zalengera, Fredrick Munthali and Maxon Chitawo went to see the system early July.

Mzuzu University is now working with Kamkwamba in trying to improve on the technology and add in more professional and techincal aspects for promotion of the wind energy system.

Mzuzu University has just finished an appraisal report for the system and the report is the foundation of the long term parternership between the two parties.

Mr. Kamkwamba is now happy to have a solar/wind hybrid system after securing some funding from well wishers. He now also has a solar water pumping system which provides piped water to his family members.

Mr. Kamkwamba has now gone back to school after well wishers realised his potential of helping the world more especially when the world is about renewable energy.

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