Thursday, July 2, 2009



  • Switch ON lights only when it is necessary e.g. remember to switch off lights when leaving the toilet
  • Switch OFF a hot plate as soon as the water boils---the additional heat does not add to any temperature rise of your water but rather boiling off your water
  • Always move with a torch light. It is important in case your electricity goes off
  • Switch OFF your computer if you will be away for more than ten minutes
  • Make sure you use much of natural light…keeping windows/curtains open may prevent you from using electricity lighting during the day…building designs should also take this into consideration


  • Remember to carry a tissue with you when travelling
  • Avoid holding somebody on a phone for so long
  • If you are on a long call, hold on for some time, serve your visitor or a friend on your desk and carry on with the phone call
  • Print on both sides of paper unless otherwise specified
  • Avoid chewing anything you see boring to you e.g. papers
  • Avoid sticking a chewed bubblegum besides your working desk
  • Do not carry your cell phone in your trousers-rear pocket , neither should you carry it in your shirt upper pocket; chances are high that you will break it when sitting or lose it when bending/bowing
  • Using an elevator rather than the stairs-case is another security tip—robbers may sometimes hide behind the stair cases
  • A bottle of water when travelling may assist you
  • Do not turn your radio to full volume, you can not hear some strange sounds within your vicinity…it is for your security
  • Do not drink hot tea/coffee from a metal cup neither should you carry hot food in a metal plate—you will be burnt
  • A set of a small knife with a bottle opener may be necessary in your pocket. Do not use teeth to open a bottle
  • Remember to save at least one number in your cell phone as “in case of emergency (IoE). This gives your rescuers in an emergence which number they should call.
  • Avoid going to bed without any airtime in your cell phone—this is an important tip for risk and disaster preparedness, the same applies to fuel in your vehicle—an mount of money for a taxi from your home to a hospital or nearest bank can also assist you
  • Do not switch OFF your cell phone at night---your services may be important to someone’s life even at night
  • A child in the hands of a mother or any person when travelling in a vehicle is not safe. Kids need a comfortable sit with a seat belt fastened and child locked-doors. Stop your kids from protruding their heads or hands in vehicle windows


  • Use a pail when washing your vehicle and not a horse pipe…you can reduce your water bills. The same applies to washing your clothes and kitchen utensils
  • People who wash using a bath tab use more water than people who use a shower. But remember to turn on the shower only when it is necessary
  • Rather use a cup when brushing your teeth than a running tap.
  • Do not just throw anything that bores you in a toilet….consider the amount of water you use to flash that simple thing….it is an expensive way
  • Do not just throw way your washing water away, it may be useful for flashing your toilets in case your water supply is off
  • Try to collect rain water from your roof using your pails. This can serve a purpose or two and reduce your water bills


  • Two bins dust bins, one for plastics and another one for biodegradable materials, may be important for an organisation
  • If you have a tendency of throwing bottles out a vehicle when travelling, better throw your bottle near to a dwelling place….some people may find this useful say for buying paraffin and this is simple recycling
  • Do not just throw litter any where, a small plastic bag can save you up to the next bin point
  • Take off the label of any plastic bottle you want to throw away…vendors like thrown labelled bottles for fake products.
  • Wrap a chewed bubblegum in a small paper before throwing it way---you save some people from being stack with it
  • Do not urinate on walls…use public paying toilets nearest to you
  • Know your digestive system well, this will assist you in planning what type of food you should take when going for long journeys in public transport….avoid taking too much of liquid foods during long journeys.


roromo said...

these are really good.

roromo said...

nkhani ya swing iti chani